Extended Warranty coverage contract?

received a call from a company soliciting extended warranty coverage for one of our cars. the company is called Precision Auto Protection.

I have never had any experience with this company and I would like some input from someone who has.

Please let me know what your experience was with this company


  • DON'T DO IT! When I was looking for a new car I found how not to get scammed and that's one of them. People will call you acting like an auto warranty company and it's really not. Don't do it. The only people who deal with your warranty is your dealership.

  • Don't know about the particular company you are referring to but if they called you 'out of the blue' watch out! Almost all extended warranties come with a huge amount of fine print that gets them off the hook when it comes time to pay up on a claim. One, that I have had experience with canceled the entire policy because I did my own oil changes! Buyer beware in these cases!

  • like most warranties they're not worth the paper they're printed on. save your money

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