How do you delete a contact from your contact?

A couple of months ago I added another person on yahoo answers as a contact on my account. Every time that person ask a question on yahoo answers, I get an email about it.

Apparently this person has no life and ask a lot of questions because my email is filling up with about their questions.This is getting annoying and junking up my email.

Can anyone tell me how I can delete a person off my contacts?


  • just click on that profile and click remove contact if it still happens just block that person also

  • Click on their avatar and click Block this User and it removes that person from the list of fans/contacts. Or you can go into your profile and edit my info and change the settings so that you do not receive any emails when any of your contacts asks a question.

  • Go to and sign in with your Yahoo account.

    You will get listed the name and contact information of your contacts.

    Select the contact you want to delete and at the right side of your page you can delete the contact and also you get an option to delete the connection.

    If this will not help you can create a filter(folder) in your mail so that you all the mails from that contact get routed to that folder.

    Else you can go to mail options >> Spam>> Scroll down and add this contact in your blosked list and save the settings...

    Good luck.

    I would suggest you to block, or else select his mail as a Spam.

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