a made up myth?

i have to make up a myth for english...ya know...a story that describes how something was made or how something got to be how it is today? any ideas? like "how a teacher was formed"...kinda like the mackanaw story about mackanaw island...if anyones heard..or like why it storms "cuz god and mother nature is bowling." but i need something brand new and creative


  • if u live in michigan this one is good. but you could probably use it anyways. im not sure if its a myth or not. its:

    The lower peninsula of michigan is the shape of a hand right? You know how it got there? After god made the earth, to make it rotate, he put his hand on the earth and spun it. hence, making michigan.

    but then again it might be too religious for a school thing. but i thought it was pretty cool.

  • How about religion?

    Many years ago people - quite understandably, didn't know what caused certain natural phenomena eg lightning, floods, famine, drought, so they came to the conclusion that they were driven by an all controlling being of some sort.

    Now we can explain all of this by science, but the generations have been so indoctrinated through time that it's a difficult concept for some poeple to accept.

  • I made up a story years ago that I used to tell my kids about when they went to bed. There's a large hill near where we live and I told them that once there was a massive giant who lived around here who fell in love with a local girl who was the daughter of a landowner.

    She was far too small to marry him and her father did not like the giant at all, even though he was kind. The father asked him to promise to guard all the houses here for her while she went seeing her relatives in London.

    She was made to marry a rich man and never came back, but the giant stayed guarding our houses and one day he lay down to sleep and after many years of sleeping he became the hill.

    Fair enough it's a crap story, but my kids loved it and it's an idea isn't it?

  • Why not take an animal? There are already stories about how the elephant got his trunk and how the leopard got his spots but what about one on why bears sleep in the winter or how the eagle got his white head.

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