sensitive teeth, dentist no help?

My teeth have become horribly sensitive. I went to the dentist, who said I have acid erosion. However she made no suggestions of how to cure it. I went to a different dentist, who prescribed me a high-fluoride toothpaste, bt it's not helping. Is there nothing else I can try?


  • If you have enamel that has been thinned or worn away due to acid erosion then fluoride is the best way to solve the sensitivity problem because fluoride is a natural desensitizer. If the toothpaste does not work then have your dentist give you a prescription for a fluoride rinse. If neither one helps then there's not much more that can be done.

  • My mom has very sensitive teeth as well. She has started using Pronamel toothpaste. I am not sure how to relieve your tooth pain, but I can tell you how to avoid it. The problem is that once the enamel is gone, it's gone for good...all you can do is avoid it wearing away even more. Eventually you could have veneers put over your teeth and that may help.

    Here's how to avoid the pain:

    1. Don't brush your teeth after eating citrus foods or drinking liquids with citrus. Basically, don't brush after eating or drinking anything with fruit. Wait 30 minutes and then brush.

    2. Don't drink cold water. When you are in a situation where you have to drink your water cold, try to keep it from touching your teeth, heat it up in your mouth for a few seconds, and then swallow. By heating it up in your mouth it makes it less shocking to your teeth when it touches them.

    3. Swish with ACT Restoring Anticavity Mouthwash. This is dentist recommended and will help with your enamel issue.

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