Fantasy Basketball Trade?

I am in a head-to-head league and have been offered the following trade:

I get tim duncan, vince carter

I give lebron james, hedo turkoglu

I am doing pretty poorly in all statistics except AST's and STL's....

any advice is greatly appreciated


  • i wouldnt do it, lebron is a huge stat getter and too much of an asset to give up for simply a 10 and 10 guy like duncan and a streaky performer like vince, turkoglu is a very consistent player as well, i would say if anything u cut lebron out of the deal and offer another good G/F, dont give up ur most dominant guy! theres no rebuilding in fantasy basketball

  • I think your giving up way to much Duncan is overrated as a fantasy player and Vince carter isn't having that good of year

  • Obtaining duncan and carter isnt going to help gain ground in assists or steals.

    The trade is pointless for your needs.

  • You sound desperate but you can't give away the King. Lebron is the best fantasy player.

  • I could take Rudy Gay, Iguodala, and Kobe subsequently. Marvin Williams is okay, and Deng is underachieving. Gay, Iguodala, and Kobe are all regular. I could best take lebron's part should you wanted FG%.

  • no...this isn't even a

  • DONT DO IT!!

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