kiss a stranger?? 20 points!?

on my summer bucket list the first one is to kiss a stranger i dont know how to do it. well i know how to kiss but dont know who i should kiss.. can someone post an answer saying a place i can kiss someone for example : kiss the first cute guy you see when you are at the park but leave him with suspense so just walk away after you kiss him. PLEASE HELP !!! 20 points and best answerr


  • Go to a restaraunt and after eating, ask to see the manager. Show him your bill and tell him you don't have any money but would like to give him this in exchange. Then grab him and kiss him and start walking out. One of two things will happen, you will still have to pay for you meal, or two, you keep walking and he says nothing and he takes care of the bill and you have a free meal! (just make sure you have the money just in case) :)

  • Nicole-I don't advise a full blown make out kiss? Because you have no idea of what that person's germ scale may or may not be. If you must, walk up to a guy and say "Excuse me, may I have a word with you?" When he says yes, then say, Thanks. There's one word right there and then kiss him on the cheek. You might get a boyfriend out of your kindness and honesty, right? Good luck and have fun.

  • Kissing a Stranger is little awkward but a pleasant experience if the guy is really cute.i kissed a cute guy at a gas station(couldn't resist).on the bright side,he gave me beer and was really sweet to me.

  • Well, you're in luck. Most men will allow you to kiss them without knowing you or liking you in advance. If you were to try that on a woman, you'd end up in handcuffs with a court date. So, just find one you like at the mall or school, and do it.

  • The average guy will totally be fine with you just randomly kissing him, especially if you're pretty. Just go to the mall, and jam your tongue down the throat of the first hot guy you see. Seriously. Just do it :-)

  • Well, if thats what you want, YOLO you know? I'd say kiss the first guy that looks at you at a mall, problem solved.

  • That's probably not a good idea, what if he has a girlfriend?

    Yeah it may seem fun for your list, but just dont do that one

    You are kinda asking for trouble

  • go to a bar or party or a place like that where u can dance with a guy and lean back and kiss him. i love when girls do that to me

  • Go to friends partys or host one of your own. Great environment and if theres liquor its a good excuse for any and everything, not saying get drunk tho, it will jus help

  • Isn't there enough trouble in the world without looking for more?

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