How do you help build up your self esteem?

I have really low self esteem and its really making me miserable.

I think I'm ugly

Going and buying new clothes and stuff and thiking they look good then going out and comparing myself to my friends i look like ****

people are always bitching about how annoying i am

i never get invited to places even by my best friends

I feel like I've wasted my teen life already

no guys ever like me they always like my friends

im jealous of my friends lives

i feel like **** and that im worthless all the time

I'm failing at school and don't even want to go most days because im just crying

At home isnt a very nice place everyone just shouts at each other.

I love alchohol and drugs

Please just does anyone know any tips that will help? :/


I follow satan not jesus..................haha nah but still dont blab on **** bout jesus. not everyone follows ur religion. so shh


Update 3:

I'm not fat. I just hate my hair,


  • well, for one thing, you should know that it's not crazy to have the feelings that you're having. a lot of people deal with that kind of stuff. i know i did.

    there's no easy answer, and sometimes the only thing that really helps is kind of waiting it out until a few years from now when you're older and you feel better. i was really, really depressed as a teenager (and as a child too, actually) and i honestly didn't start feeling better until i was in my early twenties. i'm 25 now, so being not-so-depressed is still new to me. so much is changing so fast when you're a teenager. just a few years of growing should give you such a different perspective on life, you have no idea! try to just hold out as much hope as you can and remind yourself it's going to get better. i know it's really, really hard. just do the best you can. go to a shrink or counselor if you can. sometimes it really helps. i think the shrinks who specialize in children are actually better than the ones for adults. they usually won't force you to talk when you don't want to, and they don't spend so much time analyzing you and blaming you... they just help you find ways to work out your problems.

    to get through my high school years, i had as much fun as i could with my few friends. and i spent a lot of time by myself listening to music or reading or sleeping. see if you can find something that you like to do besides drugs and alcohol, and throw yourself into it as much as you can to distract yourself from your problems.

    if you like animals, you should get a pet and spend lots of time taking really, really good care of it. it makes you happier and helps your self-esteem. right now my cat is probably the best part of my life. and i like her so much that i'm not even really sorry to say that. :)

    but for me, seeing more of life as i got older somehow helped me understand the world better and made me feel more at home on this planet, which has made me feel so much better. it took a long time to teach myself that life is good and worth living even though A LOT of bad stuff happens.

    it also helped me when i stopped believing in christianity. i have felt way better since i broke up with god. it was a really tough breakup, but i think it was the right thing to do. at least for now.

    and i know this is really, really controversial and maybe bad advice for a 15 year old, but eating shrooms can change your view of the world really dramatically. for me it was a super positive experience and it made me feel really happy. it's very non-addictive but it's something you don't want to do very often. and make sure you do lots of research and do it right if you're going to do it. but don't rely on fungus to solve your problems! find friends and hobbies and exercise. and learn to talk to yourself in a positive way. don't put yourself down so much.

  • Start by making a list of all of the things you like about yourself, and taping it up somewhere that you will see it everyday. Then, anytime you think something negative about yourself, replace it with one of the things you have written down. Over time, it will become like a second nature to compliment yourself when feeling down.

    Find something that you are really good at, and that you feel good about yourself while doing it, then plan events or hanging out around that one thing. For example, say you are really good about bowling and when you bowl you feel awesome about yourself. Invite some people to go bowling with you. It is much easier to be confident and more social when you are doing something that makes you feel good about yourself.

    Also, do something like get a haircut, get a manicure or pedicure, or get a new outfit! It's amazing what a confidence boost you get from any of these things. I actually have a website where I create outfits for people to help boost their self esteem! My website is and I will create you some outfits! My motto is Real Style, Real You. I also have a blog about self esteem, confidence, fitness, and health! It's

    Remember that you are beautiful inside and out no matter what people might tell you or what you think of yourself. Hold your head held high and think about all of the things YOU love about yourself.

    "Always wear an invisible crown on your head" - Author Unknown

  • first of all, stop caring about what other people think. stop doing drugs and alcohol because idc who you are, it's just not cool. Second, stop talking as much and if you do don't talk about yourself, become more associated with your friends lives by caring about them and asking them questions about them. once you become better and closer friends with them then they will start inviting you more places. Then loose some weight and get in better looking condition. then more boys will like you. smoking is not attractive in any way so don't do that. drink a glass of milk every night before you go to bed and don't wear a bra to bed (this will make your boobs bigger). Become more into school and study and get better grades and stop looking like an idiot. Being one of those people who doesn't care about school and doesn't care about where they are going in life is not attractive. Oh and stop inviting yourself places if you are, that's obnoxious. Once you start doing all of this, you will begin to feel better about yourself and your won't feel worthless anymore. Plus don't think so badly about yourself. build yourself up, not publicly or in a cocky way, but just have some confidence in yourself. Do all of this and i can guarantee you that your self-esteem will be boosted up a whole lot.

  • I know someone that can help you with all of the things that are bothering you. He knows every sad and painful feelings. If you just trust in him and give him your life he will take care of all your needs and make you feel like you are worth everything in the world. His name is Jesus Christ.

    For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”

    Romans 10:13

    “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life."

    John 3:16

  • STOP

    all those things your thinking and saying are very unhealthy.

    i know what its like ive been bullied for my whole life,called names ,ignored laughed at.

    plus, im not skinny or pretty ive tried to make myself hot or pretty with fancy cloths and makup, but its really embarrising and uncomfterbal (cant spell it lol) for me.

    if its bad at home find a place you can call your haven , a library,store,forest,etc

    for drugs....get off them get help they wont help you at all.

    alcohol is ok in small doses dont get all drunk that could be a reason for your flunking.

    find somone you can talk to, a special person animal,stuffed animal(i know its dumb) or get a diary.

    to write down and cuss at people helps get rid of pent up anger.

  • Practice a relaxation method, daily, and when needed, such as: (free) or or or Yoga Nidra, (no flexibility required) at Qi Gong, Tai Chi, or regular yoga suits others better. Give the EFT a good tryout, to see if it helps you. Use the searchbar at "EFT" & "EFT therapists", or (13 free videos) Professional is best. - There is a version for use in public places, (if you want to, you can claim to have a headache, as you massage/lightly tap your temples, but you would then be restricted to subvocalising: saying it to yourself in your mind: "Even though I currently have low self esteem, I deeply and completely accept myself." I have recently encountered the opinion that, just as it is important to build a house on a solid foundation, so it is with self esteem. Learn to forgive yourself for your past mistakes, and failures, or inadequacies. Accept that you, too are just a human being, with the frailties, insecurities, and tendency to err, occasionally, that the rest of us have. That is the beginning of self love, self acceptance, and self esteem. Regularly monitor your internal monologue (self talk): write down the negative ones: "I'm really ugly" and then the converse: "I'm fairly good looking", and next time you become aware that you are thinking the former, visualise, as vividly as possible, a big "STOP!!!" sign, and/or a stern faced person wagging a finger at you, and deliberately repeat 5 times, either aloud, in a big voice, if alone, or subvocally (to yourself, in your mind), the converse affirmation.

    Some people go so far as to keep a wide rubber band in their pocket, then put it around their wrist, when they catch themselves backsliding, stretch and release it, as a method of reprogramming their mind sooner, but I don't regard it as being strictly necessary. Volunteer, even from home, at first, to provide a solid basis in reality for the daily affirmations: "I am a good person, who is valued by my community, because I... (insert activity here).." Google: "volunteer from home" Edit one page of an Ebook daily, at: Did you know that you can help us produce ebooks by proof-reading just one page a day? Go to: Distributed Proofreaders see: Write letters in support of prisoners of conscience, for Amnesty International. Many innocent people, whose only reason for incarceration was that they were a thorn in the side of a repressive government, have had their release secured as a result of a flood of letters, from all over the world. Also see and ELSEWHERE: Help for 2 hours per fortnight, at Meals on Wheels. Other suggestions are: As a literacy volunteer, animal shelter, Red cross/crescent, soup kitchen, Greenpeace, nursing home/hospital, Habitat for Humanity, United Way, or as a Big Sister, or Big Brother. Make a list of all your good points, strengths, and achievements. Put it somewhere so you can easily refer to it, from time to time; perhaps on the refrigerator door, or print it; (large typeface, or capitalise) have it framed, and place in your bedroom, or in a position of prominence, such as on the television, or lounge room wall.

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