Why did 0-bama decide emissions caps are no longer necessary?

Is it because of the growing backlash against the socialist liberal agenda?




  • Prob 'cause the Dems, after hanging their political careers out to dry for 0bamacare, knew that it would be pure political suicide to try and scr*w Americans again so soon with cap and tax legislation.

    As is it, 0bama has spent all of his political power on a despised healthcare program that was defeated in 1993 when Hitlary Clinton proposed it. Laughingly, having the letter "D" after your name at the voting booth was certain unemployment for most Dems that supported 0bama's unpopular socialist ideas.

  • No, he is gonna wait for his radical goon at the EPA to enact mandates. That way he can provide cover for the loser libs in Congress who can say "Well, I didn't vote for it, the EPA enacted it"

    You all need to read the text of "Massachusetts v. EPA" and get up to speed, but here is the important fact to know for now. The libs on the Supreme Court said that the EPA 'had the power to regulate CO2 as a pollutant if they had scientific evidence that it was a pollutant"

    Guess what, all the Congress has to do is strengthen the text of the "Clean Air Act" to say that CO2 is not a pollutant and the EPA's authority goes down the crapper. Or they may even be able to cut the EPA's budget (or even, dare we hope, abolish the EPA entirely). The point is that we need to insist that Congress strengthen the text of the Clean Air Act to prevent the EPA (unelected nest of liberal bureaucrats) from doing obamadinejhad's evil bidding.

    Don't believe me?

    Read obamadinejhad's comments from earlier today:


    We need to get Congress to stop this backdoor version of "cap and trade".

  • carbon dioxide and monoxide are the biggest reasons of the international warming CO2 is produced via automobiles factories burning stuff etc. yet CO2 isn't consistently a topic as an occasion if the international has a distinctive flora CO2 does not be a topic yet because of the fact of people distinctive flora are long gone Carbon monoxide is produced additionally in automobiles and in case you lighted a candle and putted a jar on it it incredibly is going to produce CO witch is poisonous

  • Trust me he has a plan to use the AQMD approach to get around the legislative branches.he knows its His only way to attempt the control He sees slipping away. Alas he still has some mis-directed followers,My sister in law still beleives in man made global warming.

  • It was tabled a year ago, as no republicans seem to care about climate change.

    But I still get fear-mongering fundraising requests all the time about it.

    Guess it really scared big oil.

  • It is because he doesn't want to have to tell his voting base that they would then have to decide if they pay the mortgage, the health insurance premium, or the heating bill.

  • Because he just got his @ss handed to him.

    He still wants it, he just can't pass cap-n-trade and he knows it.

    Instead, he will use the EPA to try and increase energy costs for all of us.

  • Your US plutocracy makes every single decision based on more money earned, stolen, or printed for rich class benefit.

  • Yes, but it's not good enough and I don't believe him anyway.

  • Either that or he just couldn't keep on lying about it

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