How do I improve my grades?

I have a GPA of like, 2.8 or 2.9, ; in other words, a B-.

The univeristy I want to attend looks for a solid B average, or a 3.0.

How do improve my grades?


  • There are many ways of improving your grades . Let me tell you a few tips ;

    1) Get a program for the week , spread all the things you have to study evenly through the week.

    2)Get good night's sleep on the night of your exam.And don't study everything in one night.

    3) Some omega3 and vitamin C pills could help but get them immediately after you wake up or you won't be able to sleep at night.

    4)Eat 2 servings of fish on the exam week.

  • Does your school have any weighted grades put into the GPA?

    Are there any specific classes that you do better or worse in? Do you turn in all of your assignments. Is it that you get an average of B- on all of your assignments and all of your exams? If the assignments are good and exams are bad, what is it about exams that make them harder for you?

    Probably you should go to your teachers in trouble classes and as them how to improve your grades. It comes down to whether you're working enough or hard enough, and whether or not you're just getting something. If you're not, you'll need to ask someone to help you with the material.

    Other things are factors as well, of course. Such as concentration, discipline, or a good working environment that helps you concentrate and focus. Sometimes these things are problems through no fault of your own, and you'd probably need to address that as well, somehow.

  • 1) You can start by forming a study group. Most of the time you can learn from other classmate in your class.

    2) You can also go to afterschool tutor programs as well.

    3) Ask your teacher for extra credit projects.

    4) Do your homework. If you understand your homework, you'll understand your exams.

  • in case you want a's. a million. Get sufficient sleep. 2. by no skill go away out a form. 3. learn like you should coach it to someone. 4. Do better credit on your spare time regardless of in case your grades are extreme. 5. communicate with the instructor about it. at times they are extra beneficiant in the journey that they recognize you try. 6. in case you do not realize ask the instructor. 7. continuously carry out slightly homework each day. by no skill attempt to cram on the in simple terms proper minute. by technique of the in simple terms proper exam, you should already recognize each thing and the coaching will in simple terms be evaluation. Get a e book on learn techiniques and time administration which could help you learn extra ideal.

  • Study hard and focuse and learn to love the subject!

  • 2 ways...either apply yourself and study harder; or (b) take easier courses that you know you'll get a higher grade in

  • talk to the teachers and see if you can do extra credit and explain to them the reason

  • i always sit as close to the front as i can get. that way i have no choice than to pay attention! lol

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