Is my answer correct? Algebra 2 word problem?

By taking a foreign language, students increase their vocabulary by 140 percent. If those who do not take a foreign language know 3640 words, how many words do the foreign language students know?

Here's how I solved it: 3640 x 240/100 = 8736 words



  • I did it this way, considering that 100% = 3640 of how many words people without a second language have, and now you know you need to get 40% more, you times 3640 by .4 to get1456 which is the 40%. Now you just add that too the 3640 from earlier and get 5095.

    Hope this helps

  • I believe that it correct. an "increase [of] 140%" is 100% + 140% of the original value.

  • That's correct.

  • Your answer is correct.

  • in 2d ques. it's going to be 154hrs. i hav one ques for you..if x varies directly to y and inversly to sq. of z then wat would be x whilst y turns into one forth and z turns into thrice??

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