Teen girls: Do you see yourself as beautiful?
I'm a recovering anorexic, and I have struggled a lot with body images issues, and still do continue to struggle. I don't like knowing that a lot of girls feel the same way as I do, it leads to eating disorders such as the one I struggle with. I wish that on nobody. My lowest weight was 72 pounds, and my heart almost stopped. So my question is simple: Do you see yourself as beautiful?
Update:I am still struggling with what I see in the mirror, but one day, I will get to the place where I can look in the mirror, and say, "I'm beautiful" It may not be soon, but I WILL get there.
I feel like deep inside a person, they are beautiful, regardless of age, wisdom, or physical appearance. I think the way you are describing beauty is not true beauty, but physical attractiveness. Beauty is something that is more than skin-deep, it goes beyond that, way beyond that. It is everything you do, every step you take, it is how you act, how you respond. Beauty is everything which is apart of you. Truly, beauty is unique and is given to everyone, but they just don't see it yet. They're so blind by what they see in front of them, that they don't see what is beyond them. Do you understand? You're a beautiful person, no matter how much you weigh. You could weigh 4 stone or 50 stone, it doesn't matter. You just got to get past what you see in the mirror and see further deep within yourself. Learn about yourself, know about who you are and use that power to charm people with your true beauty.
Be proud of who you are. You're doing good. You'll get there!
Now I do. I used to really hate myself and body but last year I got over my clinical depression and I just started seeing life and myself in a new light. I stopped caring about the way others saw me and realized that the only thing that matters is how I view myself. So I started bettering myself, inside and out. And now, I think I can truly say that I believe I am beautiful. Sure, there are moments where I find myself wishing "Oh, I wish I looked like that person" or whatever but at the end of the day, I love myself. And I wish every girl could view themselves the way I see myself.
Depends. i get told so many times that i am beautiful but for some reason, i cant look at me in the mirror. i hate myself alot and it is horrible because otherpeople have bigger problems. so, deep down, i despise me. Like some days, im fine with me and i think i look great. But i am not able to get out of my hating phase. I blame myself for the stupidest stuff
Sorry for the long answer to a simple question
My simple answer: No
Also, good job on getting out of ur eating disorder. that's no small feat!! Ur a role model!
Hey, hang in there because I can assure you, YOU are beautiful
also have you seen the site givesmehope.com? I reckon you should google it up and read away
I think for me, yes. I've been out two days in a row with no makeup at all, just moisturiser and lip balm, and I've never felt better. My mum came into my work yesterday and told me I looked absolutely beautiful and it made my day. I know it's kinda lame because it's my mum but seriously lol it felt good.
No. I rolled down the whole self-hatred path, and the eating disorder path as well. Everyday of my life even as a little girl I wished that I could have a tiny chest and a tiny butt like everyone else and look as pretty as everyone else. I don't see myself as beautiful, I never have and sometimes I think I never will.
I always do. I could gain 15 pounds and still see myself as beautiful. some might say i'm concieted but im really just confident becuase I know it is one of the few things I can control about my life. Once you let confidence and lack of thinking you are pretty go, you arent you anymore
I don't. I've been borderline to having an eating disorder. I don't think I will ever look in the mirror and see myself as beautiful.
I do see myself as beautiful
Guys are starting to notice me and thats a huge self confidence boost for me.
I personally think that being loved by someone who truly thinks you're beautiful will help you achieve that. Good luck
I have a hard time seeing myself as beauty, like you I have a problem with my weight. I have been overweight for most of my life. BTW- When is your little sister name? When is she due? We are adopting a newborn girl due in May.
Yes, I think I'm beautiful inside and out.
I used to also have self-esteem issues because of depression, and I've been called ugly countless times. But all of that just made me want to prove them wrong.
I'm recovering from cutting and suicide attempts, and I finally love myself.