My dad is so embarrassing?

My dad is so embarrassing. We were at the local amusement park with my friend that i brought, when we got on the ride...he has to turn his hat backwards. so he goes "gotta get my game face on." he said it the first time and then the second time it was just embarrassing for him to say it again infrount of my friend. and then in line he was turned his hat sideways and said "pants on the ground...pants of the ground lookin like a fool with yo pants on the ground." wasn't loud but it was embarrassing.


  • Well he seems funny and cool to me but if u feel that way ask him if u could just go places by yourself

  • Girl you gonna have to pull your dad to the side (maybe go out for lunch or something) and break it to him as gently as possible. "Dad I love you but if you have any caring for my reputation with my friends, you'll do me this favor and tone it down a bit." let him know" you were a kid before. cut me some slack."

  • I'm sure people won't think anything other than he's a funny guy! Don't worry about it. Wouldn't you rather your dad be embarrassing than agressive?

  • Your dad sounds hella cool.

  • hes your father you only got one eventually your going to look back at this and laugh cherish these moments you got with him !

  • Just laugh with him. One day you will miss his silliness.

  • give him some time he will outgrow his childish behavior

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