Parents: Do you listen to Dr. Oz?

I don't have kids, but my mom treats this dudes word like it's the end all be all. I don't really watch it, and hey I'm a firm believer in science and research and if what he's saying is backed by that and that only then technically he's not saying it, the results are. So I have no problem with that. It just seems like in this day in age, everyone has their agenda.

So I guess according to this guy Gerber, Mott's, and Juicy Juice. All have arsenic in their apple juices. I mean my 8 year old nephew was raised on Juicy Juice and he's smart as heck.

Do you watch Dr. Oz? How accurate is his show? Does he use actual science? Or just persuasive pseudoscience to support his agenda.


  • The FDA complained publically that the apple juice story was completely blown out of proportion. It didn't differenciate between organic arsenic ( harmless) and inorganic arsenic (the bad stuff) and his results were not able to be corroborated by anyone in any open test.

  • Ask him any question, about any condition, and he'll act like he is an expert and knows exactly what it is. Doctors know a ton of general medical conditions but there is no doctor that is an expert on all, like he seems to act like. That's why there are so many specialist...those are the closest you'll get to an expert in a certain area of medicine. Dr. Oz will talk like he's an expert on cancer, then heart problems, to joint and bone problems, etc. There is no way the man knows accurate detailed information on so many varied things but he sure does act like it.

  • Who is Dr Oz? Anyway, if there were harmful levels of arsenic in apple juice it would get recalled. I think apple seeds contain some arsenic so there may be a little if a few seeds got squished with the apples.

  • Don't really care that much for Dr. Oz hes in it for the money just go to your regular doctor or pedistratian.

  • i'm a be sure and that i grew to develop right into a be sure at 17. i'm now 28 and my daughter is 10. such as you, i replaced right into a sturdy student, and a sturdy daughter. I screwed up and have been given pregnant. My mom did no longer even know i replaced into sexually energetic and flipped out. She screamed, she yelled, she suggested she replaced into disgusted by using me. And them she made me consume lots!! My element is, confident, your mom and father probably will freak out, yet as quickly as they cool down they are going to be extra expertise. mom and father say stuff to make you no longer do issues, like "eww, kissing boys, gross!" they do no longer possibly experience this form, yet they want you to.

  • Dr Oz is a tv dr he gets paid to say that crap

  • Dr. Oz is a fear mongering loon. Of course I do not listen to him. However, my MIL does and will literally dvr his show for us to watch when we visit her.

  • I can't stand Dr.Oz. If I need advice on a health matter I ask my doctor. Not some guy who is on TV.

  • My grandma called me about that, she too thinks he is a medical god lol. I don't watch him. I don't trust tv personalities, there just after ratings.

  • i don't. he's "entertainment" to me but if i need advice, i go to my actual doctor.

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