How do you prevent cavitites?

I drink a lot of milk, but is there anything else that might help ? :)


  • -Floss your teeth at least 2 times a day

    -Brush your teeth at least once a day

    -Don't chew/crunch on ice

    -Try to avoid hard candy and very sugary substances

    It's also good to...

    -See your dentist every 3 months or so

    -Change your tooth brush every month

    -Brush your tongue and cheeks

    -Mouth Wash

    And of course drink lots of milk

  • Drinking milk's good, not brushing after eating fruits or anything acidic, flossing is surprisingly helpful, and of course, brushing your teeth in the morning and at night (and getting every single tooth!)

  • Brush your teeth 3+ times a day, don't eat too much candy and use mouth wash anti-cavity. And if you have braces, try to get all the food out, and especially if you have braces use the anti-cavity mouth wash it's wicked easy to get cavities with braces.

  • Just brush your teeth regularly and avoid eating a substantial amount of sugary food.

  • brush ur teeth for 2 minutes, floss, sometimes you should get a wisp to clean teeths,and mouthwash . hope that helps

  • brush your teeth twice a day, floss your teeth, don't eat many sweets, and visit your dentist every 6 months

  • Try brushing your teeth

  • Brush your teeth ,that always helps

  • brush at least twice a day and use a mouthwash such as total or listerine total care after you brush

  • floss/ brush three times a day o___o

    and try using an anti-cavity rinse or toothpaste

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