Why do we need to conserve our natural resources?

People are always talking about natural resources conservation. What is the importance of conserving natural resources?


  • They won't last for ever if we continue to use them up and they have an important role in maintaining life as we know it as well as biodiversity, an invaluable resource.

  • As we continue to get a better understanding of how the Eath's climate has changed over time (with and without human influence) it is clear that the current climate we enjoy has not always been the climate that has existed in the past.

    There may come a time in the future when all the farmland that has been turned into tract housing may be needed to feed the population.

    Water is probably the biggest conservation issue of all. What would happen if China and India, which depend on the vanishing glaciers of the Himalayas for their water, continue to pollute the Ganges, Brhamaputrah, Yangtze, and Yellow Rivers, and then ran out of water altogether?

    Conservation is simply a prudent insurance policy against the unknowns of the future.

  • La la la doo doo ooww wooo "If you don't shower for 24 hours you might be stinky but the earth will be more cleanyyyy" ooowww aaahhhh la la la yeah! good jingle (i tried) but I tried cause conservation is so super important it's better than anything better then sex and food and breathing....the earth is our home have sthome mo wespect!(lisp voice)translation some more respect. Go earth she's our home if she can't do it mars still can't wow that was gay but when all else fails at least i'm still hot yeah go me!

  • We only have a limited time of natural resources before they run out so soon it will be like $18.00 for about 2 gallons of gas .So we need to use them wisely.

  • if we dont use natural resources, we are using manmade resources. These resources are a lot more energy-draining, and they cause a lot more pollution. and if the pollution goes too high, WE WILL ALL PERISH !!!!!!!!

  • because with out our natural resources. we wouldn't have alot of the stuff we have today like wood,metal,fuel and a lot of other stuff

  • What about water .. We miss up our rivers and lakes not thinking about water for drinking or for growing our food. We need water to survive . Gas we can do without....

  • well imagine with out them it wudnt be the same we need them so i guess thats why people always say that

  • if you dont wanna die then i suggest you find out, duhhh

  • so our children and children's children can live properly.

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