do you think imma slag?
me and my boyfriend have been going out for two years, and im not gonna lie our sex life is pretty active.
we have sex almost every day, wherever we are, but mostly at school and at his and in the woods. ive never told anyone about our sex life.. but recently some people found out in my year... idk how!
But his friends are starting to abuse me.
everyone says im a very pretty girl, and im really nice, but my new name is the slag.
i thought a slag was when you slept with loads of boys? ive NEVER slept with anybody else apart from him, and weve been together a long time.
i love him so much, but i dont want a reputation.
im 14
am i a slag
Update:he is 14, and ive had all the lectures and i can assure you were using protection!
im not silly!
this is my choice.. and i dont think im immature. our relationship doesnt REVOLVE around sex!
I agree with Minato- you have to address the situation right away because it can escalate and could even effect your relationship with your boyfriend.
Do I think you're a slag if you say your bf and ou have sex and other people know about it? No. However, why are people finding out - who are you and he telling? If YOU are not saying anything and he's bragging to all of his friends then that's really disrespectful so I would reconsider the relationship. It is really important for you to know that people will always be judgemental or offer their opinions when they don't really matter, so you have to be a strong person and believe in the decisions you make. If you tell people about your personal life ( especially in high school) you will unfortunately learn that it's no longer a private matter and everyone will know.
Best of luck.
no youre not. listen i know what its like to be 14 and people your age ust dont understand enough about sex, and clearly dont have enough respect for women. a slag is a girl who, if a random man asked her for sex, she would probably do it. she would sleep around with more than 1 man, most slags probably have a new 1 every week! if he is your boyfriend then you cannot be a slag, and its completely normal for say a 16 year old to have that much sex with her boyfriend every day. however at 14 you are very very young and your body isnt fully grown.. i hope the person you are with respects you and would love you even if you didnt have sex with him. the reason they are saying this isnt because of what youre doing but how young you are to be having sex. i hope you know about the risks of STDs and pregnancy and that you are using protection or you will end up pregnant. now when you go into school hold your head up high, if they say something, ask them what have they got thats so special?
p. s. id like to add... one of my old close friends met her boyfriend when she was 11, they started going out, and having sex when she was 13. theyre still together now at 20. whats wrong with that? remember sex is a natural part of life.. but sleeping around with different men isnt. if youre only with youre boyfriend and dont start sleeping around then you have self respect, hold your head high and be confident, you have no reason not to
any1 who thinks different in your school is immature because they still have a childish view of sex... if they were older they would accept it as normal
I can't say that you're a slag but one thing I'm sure about is that you're immature. You do not respect yourself, your body, and mind.
You would let go morality for a person you believe is in "love" with you. Your boyfriend doesn't seem any mature either. If he really *loves* you, he wouldn't be wanting such an oversexualized relationship like this one. This is pure oppression.
What makes you think he's going to be with you forever? What makes you think you won't get pregnant and he would run away? What makes you think you wouldn't end up with another guy is this happens?
Think about it for a second, you're young. You shouldn't be worrying about SEX. You're beautiful, and you deserve much more than to be treated like an object to have sex with everyday. Don't give up yourself for a guy. He may not be there for you later on. Is he willing to provide for you if you get pregnant? No, because both of you are immature.
Sweety, you shouldn't have to have sex with a guy everyday and complain about being a slag. If you truely respect your body and mind, you wouldn't be insecure enough to expose your body in order to feel good about yourself. You're worth much more. You're not a sex toy. Don't be oppressed. Since when did immorality equal freedom? And since when did morality equal oppression?
Learn to love yourself first.
Email me if you need help.. I don't know.
I wouldn't say it makes you a slag as you don't sleep around and there is nothing wrong with lots of sex if it's with your boyfriend. I think you should also talk to your boyfriend if the abuse is hurting you that much.
I'd also stop having sex at school if I were you as that could be how people in your year found out.
Sorry to hear your having this trouble and I hope I helped
You love him because sex causes hormone changes that bond bond you to him. You are 14. How old is he? Likely his friends (especially if they are older) are just jealous they didn't get you to fall in love with them first. =( Hence the unkindness on their part. I'm sorry to tell you you already have a reputation. =( Do your parents know? What do they say? Can you move and start over?
This is hard stuff and you need help. I hope you have an adult in your life who is worthy of your trust and able to help you. Stop having sex and I'm afraid you'd find out just how much he doesn't love you. = ( So sad. It's likely that he told his friends and they told people. OR...that you were seen...
But chin up and learn from it. Focus on your studies and maybe become someone who helps girls focus on schoolwork and things other than they can avoid this horrid situation you find yourself in.
No, but don't think that you are ok just because you aren't a slag. You are 14 and having sex everyday? That's bad. How can your life not revolve around sex if you are doing it everyday, and as your quoted "wherever you are"?
oh love, your at a very young and dangerouse age right now. Of course if kids your age were to find out about this theyre going to say things like this. I'm not going to sit here and tell you that your way too young to be having sex because I'm sure you've become aware of this. but I will tell you this these are the years that lay the foundation for the rest of your adult hood. No you are not a slag just a young girl who doesn't understand the consequences that will come from this. Be careful love, and please find an adult to talk to about this PLEASE!
I had the same assumption, but perhaps it means something else where you live, that's what we call it here, if a girl is sexual active with many men, it's slag. If just her bf, well. That's just personal.
I wouldn't call you a slag, but considering your age, I can't say it's good either.... But hey, as long as YOU know your not a slag, and he knows. Who cares?
You are too young to be having sex 'almost every day, wherever we are' but no, I wouldn't say you were a 'slag' just very immature.
No. Usually people misinterpret the meaning of that word with some other hoe in the street. Also, they confuse it with someone who is sexually active, but in your case, I'd say the people who are making fun of you are ignorant bastards. You should tell him to tell his friends to back off or else the problem could esculate in to more serious matters.