Do dogs always remember you?

I had a dog for almost 4 years and i loved her she was my bestfriend. we got her when she was an adult. My mom and step dad got a devorce and i havent seen her in about 10 months. I cry everytime i think about her or even say her name, sometimes i even wake up crying my eyes out cause i had a dream about her. Today my mom brought her to my house so i could see her one last time. When she got here she was just to busy smelling everywhere to even focus on anything. Once she calmed down a little bit she still wouldnt give me kisses or anything. i dont think she remembered me.. she came up and stiffed my face a couple times but she wouldnt even focus on me being there. now im so heartbroken.. Do dogs remember people after not seeing them for almost a year? shes a pitbull if her breed has to do with anything shes really loving but now she just seems so different.. ):


  • Of course she remembers you. She, like you just doesn't expect things to change and you not be there while

  • habit. You instruct them to bypass outdoors to potty, and it turns into habitual. They study that the leash capacity they are going for a walk, as a results of fact each and every time you get the leash... you're taking the canines for a walk. in case you have been to take the leash out and wave it around many situations an afternoon, without taking the canines for a walk, the canines does no longer affiliate the leash with walks. canines don't have an associative memory like we do, and we won't talk in sentences to them to get throughout that something they did interior the previous replaced into incorrect. as a replace, they study via habit, as quickly as returned. that's why with the intention to stop the habit, you would be able to desire to seize them interior the act or, much greater constructive, at the instant earlier. in case you assert "NO" good earlier the canines jumps on the settee, it is going to stop him from leaping. And in case you are trying this sufficient, the canines starts to get into the habit of "listening to" you assert NO good earlier he jumps on the settee -- in different words, the assumption or premeditation of leaping on the settee turns into linked with the assumption-approximately you saying NO accompanied via the canines struggling with himself from leaping. that's much greater affective in case you handle or compliment the canines after he stops himself from leaping; then he pals no longer leaping on the settee with something helpful. =) in case you punish AFTER the reality, the canines nonetheless has no ethical experience telling him to no longer bounce earlier he actually does it. as a replace, he gets on the settee, and while he gets OFF (or once you get abode), that triggers his memory -- he's discovered out of habitual that he gets punished AFTER he gets on the settee. that's why they look "to blame" afterwards; it is not as a results of fact they actually be attentive to they did something incorrect, yet as a results of fact they assume the punishment that usually follows.

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