How do you become a master?

I keep hearing about people who are designated as "masters". What is this and how do you become one? Thanks for any information!


  • I've been playing 50 years and only have seen 2 masters. Willie Hoppy and Willy Masconi

  • In BCA you get ranked on skill level. To be ranked a master you would have to be deemed so by a league president or win a state tournament at the A level or place high at the nationals tournament. Not sure how high exactly, but to friends I play with placed top 16 and 10 and have a master status now.

  • I play in the APA amateur pool league and they have what they call a "Masters" division. It is comprised of skill level 7's and some higher skill level 6's. However, it is open to any APA player.

    The status of being a Master in the amateur leagues is typical of seasoned players that are about as good as a person can get without holding a pro status and joining a tour.

    There are several amateur players that hold that status but are every bit as good as some pros. They just opt not to join those ranks so they can continue enjoying their local leagues and higher level tournaments that lead to the National Level Tournaments held in Las Vegas each year.

    Contact a local APA league operator in your area if you're interested in playing by going to

  • Practice a lot and play as much competitive pool as possible

  • Practice and winning very often into senior level

  • practice

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