Why does the average Yahoo Answer user write paragraphs like a preschooler?

The education systems of the world must be in shambles for much of the content on this website to exist.

Did they stop teaching grammar? If I have to read one more run on sentence, I am going to gouge my eyes out.

I am truly terrified of future society at this point, judging solely from experiences on Yahoo Answers.


  • Written language skills are no longer emphasized in schools.

    I believe this is because not often do kids have to actually WRITE ... as in, on paper and with a writing stick! They don't get much opportunity to PRACTICE any (limited) writing skills they may have been taught (and perhaps actually ... learned?), since virtually any 'writing' they do is on a computer or device which spellchecks, flags wrong punctuation, auto-corrects, etc.

    So they aren't really learning anything, except to rely on external editing, which isn't always correct and which most of them have learned to either ignore or defeat.

    Then, of course ... text-abbreviations, 'twitterspeak', and the whole idea of 'faster is better than right', results in a whole lot of people with no regard for (or even much knowledge of) accepted language constructs. No attempt to punctuate, capitalize, or spell correctly, and no clue how to organize words into sentences or paragraphs. I agree, it's a sad state of affairs!

  • dont werry; weer fine srsly bro dont wrry bout it, its all gud her' merica numba 1 not numba 2 or 3456789 or nona dat siht, okay you feel me?

    But in all seriousness, judging a whole country based off of an extremely small group of people is pretty ignorant. Also, at least the questions that I go to, the grammar is usually pretty good. Not perfect, but not nearly as bad as you make it sound. Of course, the American learning system is pretty bad compared to most of Europe and Asia, but ironically we also have an extremely high concentration of brilliant scientists and engineers who surpass most others in the world. So, what does that say about our system? It works on at least a basic level, but it can definitely be improved; especially public schools.

  • When we reply by using paragraphs its much easier to read.Its like reading a book that doesnt have paragraphs,you need that gap.Its a good thing.Its also a psychological thing that gives the reader a break while reading.When people post a long detailed explanation and those who reply with lengthy replies need to give a bit of space to have a break.Its a lot better that way.

    I hope that helps you to understand it.

  • i for at least a decade i have been concerned about the educational level of americans, particularly our youth, but since being on YA, i am absolutely terrified--particularly about our youth--.

    i have not seen such poor grammar by so many, And in a public forum???

    that is when you at least make some effort not to look -completely stupid-, isn't it?

    and the dishonesty--many posting quite a bit, if not all of their homework here.

    dumb and dishonest.

    God help us.

    this is our future.

  • i say approximately 30 . with each and every of the toddlers usually in celebrities or video games and the fogeys usually in cooking, finance or pets.. 30 is basically a ballpark parent besides the fact that it may be decrease or greater for all i be attentive to.

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