Do dog ticks bite cat ticks?

My dog had these two kind of ticks, the american dog tick and (the 2nd from the left).

He has just passed away from old age.

I'm thinking of getting a kitten but am afraid that the ticks would go on her as they are still around my house.


Do dog ticks bite cats* LOL


  • Ticks don't bite other ticks. Ticks latch on to mammals. A cat is a mammal, as is a squirrel, or a rabbit, or mouse, or skunk or even you. Ticks will take any warm blooded host they can get.

  • I don't know the scientific names but round here we have deer ticks (tiny) and sheep ticks (large) I've been bitten by both in the past. I'm sensitive to the bites so I get a nasty rash round the bite within half an hour of being bitten. Because of the rash I know pretty much as soon as I've been bitten so I can remove the tick quickly. I've never needed any medical attention. Opinion seems to be that if you remove a tick within the first 24 hours then the chances of it passing anything nasty on to you are minimal (unless you squeeze the abdomen when removing, forcing stuff into the bite)

  • Ticks are extremely unpicky they will bite anything warm including you. They spread disease and fleas spread parasite like tapeworms. if you have a very infested house consider a bug bomb or exterminater. Buy all means don't get the kitten until you have the parasite problem under control. You can buy flea and tick drops for the kitten.

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