Catholics, do you consider yourselves pagans?

Do you agree that Eastern Orthodoxy is the original Christianity


  • Catholics dont consider themselves Pagan.

    Eastern Orthodoxy is the original Christianity.

    Another fun fact from your friendly neighbourhood Heathen lady.

  • <<Catholics, do you consider yourselves pagans?>>


    <<Do you agree that Eastern Orthodoxy is the original Christianity>>

    No. The Eastern Orthodox Church was the Eastern part of the Roman Catholic Church. The Roman Catholic Church, was one Catholic and Apostolic Church back before the 5th century. All five major Churches (Rome, Antioch, Alexandria, Constantinople, and Jerusalem) were Catholic, and all agreed that the Church located in Rome, where the Papacy was/is, was the Primary Church.

    Around the time of the Council of Ephesus (431), the Oriental Churches (known as the Oriental Orthodox Churches) broke away from the Catholic Church, then about the time of the Council of Chalcedon (451), the Antiochian Church (a.k.a. the Syriac Orthodox Church) broke away from Rome.

    The Great Schism of the East started around 9th century by Photius, who though not a priest, took unjust possession of the See of Constantinople, in place of Ignatius, who was exiled by the Emperor. He attempted to obtain confirmation of his usurpation from Nicholas I, but failing in this, he threw off all restraints and openly declared that Constantinople had spiritual power equal to that of Rome. At the Fourth Council of Constantinople (869), the Greek Bishops condemned Photius and proclaimed the Supremacy of Rome. Michael Cerularius, in 1054, consummated the Schism when the Bishops of Asia joined it and broke entirely from the supremacy of Rome.

  • No, certainly not.

    Eastern Orthodoxy, along with Catholicism was the original Christian Church, they were one and the same at that time. However, the Orthodox broke away from the Church in 1054 AD.

  • Eastern Orthodoxy is catholic. Note the lower case.

    Also neither is pagan. Both are the original Christianity.

  • Update your history before posting such a question, Christians including most of the popes were martyred in Rome centuries before Byzantium became the capital of the roman empire. The writings of the Church fathers are testimony.

    Eastern orthodox split from the Holy Catholic church in 1054.

    Either ways I do not see how that would make Catholics pagan.

  • And to continue the thought of the comment rightly stating an answer.

    And we, Catholics don't consider, YOU A PAGAN, if you in "Light of what you just said, "A Christian"?

    Be careful to respect the body of Christ, least you find yourselves devouring one another.

    Going completely, counter-wise to Jesus Christ," Love ye one another, as I have Loved you."

    "And Love Your Enemies, Also, and forgive, " From The Heart."

    I was working as an Master Electrician, for an Electronic Factory, It was noon, the middle of the day.

    I was walking down the middle of an aisle, when the firmament of the heavens, spun into a pillar

    and split into a curtain and drew up, revealing Jesus Christ, seated, intently looking at me, as

    six others approach HIM, and gathered behind HIM, dressed in "WHITE GOWNS", the Glory of God

    all around them, they smiled, and the heavens closed as they had opened."

  • The New Testament churches were not Catholic, Orthodox or Protestant. Neither of those three were the original Christianity.

    Acts 11:26

    And when he had found him, he brought him unto Antioch. And it came to pass, that a whole year they assembled themselves with the church, and taught much people. And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch.

  • The true Christianity is the good news of Grace, those gospels written mostly by apostle Paul. They are the first churches of Christ built by John , Peter, and Paul in the first century.

  • Protestantism is the original Christianity. Eastern Orthodoxy is just as pagan as Catholicism.

    Why? Simple: you folks have ICONS, i.e. pictures of God.

    Exodus 20:23 says: "Do not make any images of me; of silver or of gold."

    Your gold-inlaid icons make you pagans, period.

    Exodus 20:3-6

    “You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath. You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous God."

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