Do you really believe Obama abuses power?

I sure do. He would rather use the force of the Justice? Dept to shut someone up before he would just settle a minor issue, like "Where's the damned birth certificate, the real one...."

Please don't bore me with "he already did". It's a forgery.


  • Of course.

    How do you think a man can run for president on a promise of "cutting the deficit in half" and then spend us into bankruptcy without shame?

    It's not because he's helpless to stop the debt from growing. That dumbass FOUGHT for a higher debt limit and berated anyone who disagreed.

  • I think you need to rephrase the question to something like:

    Can anyone name a single politician in recorded history that has achieved the highest station of government in the country he/she resides in that has never abused power in anyway to attain the highest position, or has slipped over the fine line to abuse on occasion after attaining said position?

    General rule of thumb, most professional politicians could qualify as narcissistic according to the DSM 4.

  • His goal is to be dictator of the United States

  • Nothing surprises me anymore when it comes to Obummer.

  • Of course not.

    He didn't .... as an example -- do what BUSH did .... .... twist CIA intelligence just to start a war.


    Take '''Obama - CARE" ... that's a REPUBLICAN Concept.

    The Heritage Foundation was promoting it back in the 80's.

    And Newt Gingrich Promoted it as well.

    And Republican Mitt Romney actually IMPLEMENTED it.

    Mandated Health Insurance - - - That's Pure Republicanism.

    Until President Obama passed it.

    Then the Righties revealed themselves as Morally Vacant Hypocrites.

    Strange how the '''''''' liberal media '''''''' (LOL) ... hasn't called them on it!!!!

    LOL ...

    Look ... Modern Republicanism is the Ideology of Cowards, Liars, Cheats, and Flag Spitters.

    I'll fight those Fascist Pigs all day long.


  • I have caught the man in so many lies, I really do not believe a single word he preaches.

  • Does a fish swim in water?

  • Can't you find any real criticisms? If it was fake he never could have stood for election.

    Here's my criticism. He has allowed a bill that allows indefinite imprisonment without trail.

  • absolutely, obamacare comes to mind

  • Absolutely he does

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