Do Canadians actually drink Labatt Blue?

I am from northern Michigan, (about two hours south of the Soo, ON) and I have been a Labatt drinker since my dad was a Labatt drinker growing up. I also live in a tourist destination and us locals make fun of the tourist that are blatant and obvious ("where is the nearest fudge shop? Do they make everyone leave when winter comes? Do you have a police force? When does the bridge swing over? Do they have schools around here? Is Toronto in northern Michigan?") But the best is when an entire family happens to be wearing matching visors and fanny packs, they are considered to 'fudgie hard.' My point is, if I go and drink at a local bar in Ontario I do not want to be labeled as a know-nothing tourist the moment I sit down.


  • To ask for a" Blue "in the bar is normal in Canada. If you want a kick in pants ask for OLD STOCK also called High Test from Molson's

    Number 1

    Labatt Blue

    If this list were based purely on taste, you might not even see this venerable old pilsner on it. However, choosing the best Canadian beer involves factors like its legacy and cultural importance. No other beer has woven its way into the Canadian cultural mosaic more than Labatt Blue (or Bleue as our French-speaking brothers say it). From callous-handed East Coast fishermen to tree-hugging hippies out west, Labatt Blue is almost universally enjoyed (or at least tolerated) by all us Canucks.

    Read more:

    I f you do not want to be labelled as a know nothing Tourist do not wear your Wolverines sweatshirt and pay with US currency.

    Just do not drink and drive. That can get you banned from Canada for TEN years. This applies whether you drink in the Hand or Canada.

  • Labatt Blue Canada

  • Yep, Canadians drink Blue. It's one of many popular brands, up there with Molson Canadian, Moosehead, Coors Lite (but not regular Coors), Bud, Heineken, Sleeman, and just about everything else. Most American beers aren't very popular here, but we'll drink them.

    I don't think anyone would label you as a tourist if you walked into a bar and asked for a Blue. Then again, we're used to tourists in southern Ontario and mostly we kind of like them.

    Do people really ask the locals those questions where you live? Wow... I though only we got asked that stuff! See, we have lots in common. Come on up and have a brewski.

  • I don't but yes, lots of people drink Blue. I'm more of a beer snob and I stick with either beers from the local micro breweries (Amsterdam Natural Blonde from Toronto and Cameron's Cream Ale from Oakville are my current favourites) or European imports (currently really liking Stiegl from Austria).

  • Yes, some do, but depending on where in Ontario you may see a lot of people drinking imports, like Guinness, Heineken, Bass, New castle brown, Corona, and yes, even Miller Light.

    There are also MANY local micro breweries that produce nice ales and lagers, with odd names. Atomic Monkey is one that comes to mind, as is Dragon's Breath, made in Kingston, Ontario.

    I'd suggest that you take a wander through one of our "Beer Stores " that are run by the Brewers association. They carry over 350 brands of beer, from 90 countries around the world.

    Link here,

    The Ontario Liquor Control Board stores carry liquor and wine and imported beers, as well.

    Link here.

    Jim B


  • Yes, we drink Blue and a LOT of other beers too. Canadians love beer (I do not). There are tons of wonderful beers in Canada. Try them.

    Do not advertise yourself as American. Don't ask stupid Canadian questions (how many rooms in your igloo - yes I've heard that one). Do your research before you come up. Canada has some great websites that list the entertainment and activities here.

  • yes they drink it but remember there are really 2 big beer companies on the scene in Canada either labatts or molson so if you ask for blue and they don't have it, ask for a canadain

  • I guess it would have to do with what part of the country you are talking about. sheloves_dablues sounds like she is describing someone from the GTA, which the Soo is not near.

  • Canadians drink anything with alcohol in it. But in all seriousness if you want a real good Canadian beer drink Sleeman

  • I use it in my morning cereal in lieu of milk.

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