How to quickly delete over 8000 emails??

I had joined a yahoo newsgroup without realising, and I never use my yahoo account, so when I checked the inbox months later, there were 8000 newsgroup emails in my inbox!! I only know how to delete a page of emails at a time (only 15) is there a way to instantly wipe out all the emails in one go???


  • The classic version of Y.Mail lets you delete inbox messages only one page at a time. If you have LOTS of mails to delete (and I would certainly consider 8000 mails as a lot!), you might want to switch to the New Yahoo Mail (formerly known as Beta). In there, the inbox is one continuous listing, regardless of the number of emails. Therefore, you can delete the entire inbox in one shot if you want. Once you're done, you can switch back to the classic version if you don't want to stay with the New Yahoo Mail.

  • On the top right click All Emails, in the drop down box click all emails. Top left put a check mark in the box right under the word delete then click delete.

  • Hey,

    i get i lot of s**t junk and spam emails.

    The best way to tackle the prob is to click the top one and hold shitft. Scroll to the btottom of emails and click the last one. Then press delete and it will all delete.


  • Not possible quickly.

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