My dog's has a problem?

so I am going to ask this again, and please dont leave your opions I really dont care for them. First off she is not a "mutt" like someone else said and if you want her spayed so badly then plases give me the $200 yo have laying around!

My APBT is on her heat cycle and when I took her to the vet at the beginning of January the vet told me that it looks like she was about to start her heat cycle soon. She is 8 months now, I have heard from someone one her that as soon as you see her vulva swelling that you can start to count the 21 day of her being in heat. since it is the 26th of January she should be about done. Although just 2 days ago I started seeing her bleed. I have never notice her bleeding this whole month until now. Does that mean that she is almost done with her cycle because I had not notice any blood until now. It isn't that much and it is just drops on the floor and on the back of her legs.


  • Her heat cycle begins at her first showing of blood not when her vulva swells up. She is now only 2 days in her cycle. She will bleed and then it will taper off but she is not considered done until about 30 days after her first show.

  • Sounds like shes just going into her heat cycle if she is bleeding. They usually bleed for the whole time I thought. Did you want her to breed or something? Otherwise it doesn't usually matter and they usually clean themselves pretty well.

  • our pit was the same way. she would swell. later bleeding for about a week or so.

    if you want to have her spayed and dont have the money there are low income spay/neuter programs out there. alot of vets participate. its usually best to do it before 1st heat. but keep in mind if you dont she will have a great chance of getting breast cancer.

    we used the low cost spay program. if you have any questions. feel free to contact me. i can help find one for you or give you any info. it can cost as low as $19

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