How do you shutdown a computer using assembly code?

I am making my own OS and I need help shutting the computer down. I can reboot the computer using 0040h:0072h, but it doesn't shutdown the computer. I need a real answer please, not just a lame, off task answer.


  • Depending on the value you pass into 0040h:0072h you'll do a cold or a warm reboot. Note that this is only try for certain architectures. The assembly code below gives an example of shutting down a Microsoft Windows XP system.

    ; Coder : Ivan2k2

    ; Location : Russia,Angarsk


    ; Thanx 2 :

    ; - Tomasz Grysztar for FASM

    ; - chris for 159 bytes

    ; - Ancient One for 104 bytes

    ; Greetings 2 :

    ; - sOUR

    ; - Alex-

    ; - LisP


    ; Tested in WiND0ZE XP SP2

    imageBase = 0x10000

    ShutdownPowerOff = 2

    SeShutdownPrivilege = 0x13



    NtAdjustPrivilegesToken = 011

    NtOpenProcessToken = 123

    NtShutdownSystem = 249



    dw 'MZ'

    dw 0


    dd 'PE'

    dw 0x14c

    dw 0

    entryPoint :

    _12_bytes :

    lea edi,[edx-9] ; 3 here is magic

    mov ebx,esp ; 2

    push ebx ; 1


    push (-1) ; 2

    jmp _14_bytes ; 2

    dw sizeof.optionalHeader

    dw 0x102


    dw 0x10b

    _14_bytes :

    push ebx ; 1

    mov al,NtOpenProcessToken ; 2

    call edi ; 2

    push ShutdownPowerOff ; 2

    push eax ; 1

    push SeShutdownPrivilege ; 2

    push 1 ; 2

    jmp _08_bytes_a ; 2

    dd entryPoint

    _08_bytes_a :

    mov ebp,esp ; 2

    push eax ; 1

    push eax ; 1

    push eax ; 1

    push ebp ; 1

    jmp _08_bytes_b ; 2

    dd imageBase

    dd 4

    dd 4

    _08_bytes_b :

    push eax ; 1

    push dword[ebx] ; 2

    push ebp ; 1

    mov al,NtAdjustPrivilegesToken ; 2

    jmp _04_bytes ; 2

    dw 3

    _06_bytes : ; 5 bytes of code

    and 1 empty byte

    leave ; 1

    mov al,NtShutdownSystem ; 2

    call edi ; 2

    db 0 ; 1 empty byte

    dd sizeof.image

    dd sizeof.peHeaders

    _04_bytes :

    call edi ; 2

    jmp _06_bytes ; 2

    dw 2

    sizeof.optionalHeader = $-optionalHeader

    sizeof.peHeaders = sizeof.optionalHeader

    sizeof.image = $

  • 10 no op

    20 goto 10

    It safe to turn off the power now, if you have reset all your interrupt vectors to startup values

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