Do you consider Adam & Eve as cults for sexual love?

Though they became preys of satan but still they had a significant for for sexual love in this world. So do you consider them as cult for sexual love?


  • i dont mean to be rude but do u go to school

    blessed be

  • Adam & Eve as a symbol of sexual love? Yes. After the fall.

    Cult? Do some homework.

  • No. Adam and Eve were created by God to honor and worship him. They fell short of that requirement by the wiles of Satan and were removed from Eden.

    Love between a man and wife is a sacrament instituted by God that binds them to each other. The product of that sacrament is the production of children (each of which are a gift from God).

    Needless to say, without children, the species would soon die out and perish. God would have no body to honor and worship Him.

    To classify the love between a man and wife as a "cult to love making" is to denigrate the sacrament of marriage and an insult to God who instituted it.

    You may want to counsel with a minister, rabbi or priest to get your priorities straight.

  • Adam & Eve? Prey of Satan?

    My goodness, gracious. But...

    aren't YOU original... NOT!

  • what the hell are you talking about "cult for love"??? rephrase the question.... how does adam and eve have anything to do with a "cult"

  • Cult???

    You have me puzzled there.

    I think you need to know the denotation of the word cult.

  • do you know what a cult is? Look it up - you might need to search for a better word.

  • i'm not sure what your getting at, but humans are animals. Animals are sexual creatures, and that's the easy answer to that.

  • oh yeah baby..... my kind of people!!

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