How do I motivate my sister?

My younger sister is 26 years old. She is a gemini so she is often bored with everything. She is very book smart but not street smart. She didn't finish college and kept switching majors and kept changing/quitting her classes because she never knew what to do, even though she passed all her classes with flying colors. She still lives with my parents, unmarried, single, no children, never had a job, sits in front of the computer and surf the internet and watches tv and cable all day long. She admits she's a couch potato. She doesn't drive and isn't motivated to drive (rear ended a car when she was 19 and hasn't drove since). She is antisocial, socially inept, often bitter and negative towards me in emails (she doesn't like to talk on the phone). She doesn't sympathize with anyone if you share your problems with her; never apologized when she's at fault, unless someone reminds her to apologize. Continued below....


I forgot to include that me and my sister lives in different states and our main communication is email


  • try inviting her out all the time, I'm not saying out to the bars but what about going to Chapters, or to Linens and Things, My town has a really cute coffee shoppe and you can sit outside or upstairs away from people. Try spending more time with her, even if she doesnt want to leave the house, try getting her into gardening, or whatever your into.

  • Students of all kinds tend to learn better when they are having fun. Can you think of ways to make the lessons fun? Some pieces of music are more "playful" than others. Some are written specifically for children with children in mind, while others are dull and boring, covering only the basics. The basics are important, but can be enhanced by the attitude of the teacher. Scales can even be fun if done in a varied and interesting manner. I would suggest teaching the scale the orthodox, or "correct" way first, then try varying up the rhythm, or order of the notes a bit. Music is a joyful thing, why not make it so, while still covering the essentials and basic foundation blocks (hand position, note location, scales, etc)? Good luck

  • Just leave her alone and go on with your own life. It is not your place to get in her business, or try to dictate to her how you think she should live. If your parents aren't doing anything about her, then you shouldn't, either.


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