How do I pass a drug test?

I'm 17, I smoke weed on occasion, maybe 3-4 times a month. I'm 5'7 at 115 lbs and last night i hotboxed and smoked a couple bowls. My dad random drug tests me, how long do you think it would take until the THC gets out of my system? Should i drink alot of water and try to flush it out?


  • When you're not felling high anymore, you are safe.

  • Drink water because thats the way the THC gets outa the system. Try drinking 5 cups in an hour and just keep peeing also try cranberry juice. And my friend told me eatting a poppyseed bagel like a few of them might help as well.

  • Drink water, and workout or you could go to a headship and get fake pee or a detox drink but still drink a lot of water and you have to wait a certain amount of time till it's out of your system but since you do it rarely I think drinking alot of water might do it

  • Here's a hot tip: stop doing drugs.

  • Wtf, why does your dad drug test you?

    You basically can't pass unless you stop smoking. It sticks to your fat cells and ****.

    Takes about a month to be clean, varies on what size you are.

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