Wages at Tesco/Asda as Part Time job?
I'm nearly 16 years old and I'm thinking about getting a part time job at Tesco/Asda. How much would I get paid and what is the maximum hours/days I am allowed to work a week. Also I will go college at the same time. Would i earn more money by working night shifts?
Lots of supermarkets tend to pay you the minimum wage, but it's good that you're thinking about getting a job. You might consider voluntary work, which would improve your job prospects. I used to volunteer in a charity shop, and I'm grateful for the experience it gave me of dealing with the public.
Asda Wages
i think tesco is around £6.50 up to £7.50 as you get older and work longer, Asda will be the same if not slightly lower.
While your at college/school i believe the limit is 20 hours a week, but during the holidays there is not limit.
Tesco is much better than Asda is every way, pay wise as well as hour wise I guess. They look after students well too. Good luck
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